Below you will find chords in the key A.
The formula for finding out how chords in a key are put
together are these steps.
Pattern of a major scale: WWHWWWH (W=Whole Step,
H=Half Step)
ABC#DEF#G#A Between A and B whole
step. Between B and C# whole step. Between C# and D half step. Between D and E whole step. Between E and F# whole step. Between F# and G #whole step. Between G# and A half step.
Chord quality is : MmmMMmoM (M=major, m=minor, o=diminished)
A. ABmC#mDEF#mG#dim
A. ABmC#mDEF#mG#dim
Sharp = #, Flat = b. (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G,
G#, A, A#, B, C) or (C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C)
The note of the key tells what the first chord
is. The key of C begins with the C chord and so forth
I will post more chords in the different keys in another post. I will also post a review of a book I am reading , but more about that later. See ya.